An evolving trend in sex shop designs in London is emphasizing sleek, inviting retail stores and putting empowerment and education front and center. (...)
Source: | 2019-11-07Read all
Pornhub has removed its official GirlsDoPorn channel that features women who sued the site alleging fraud and deceptive practices; the owner and operators of GirlsDoPorn were named as defendants in a criminal complaint filed last week and now face sex trafficking charges....
Leading online payment services provider CCBill announced today that consumers will now be able pay for their purchases using their U.S. bank account with CCBill Pay, their proprietary stored payments service....
Erotic City returned to LA Pride Festival this year to a sold out crowd, reporting a successful run at the two-day event....
Williams Trading has announced the release of System Jo Tri-Me Triple Packs, expanding its catalog of System JO products....
CrakRevenue has launched its “SexEmulator” sex simulation game....
What's the sound of two thumbs upping? Adult entertainment directory site has announced they are creating full length audio reviews of each site in their listings....